Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Clay: 11-month style

Lucy now has enough experience in the studio using colored pencils, crayons, and paint to pretty much know not to put everything into her mouth. So this week, she got to join the big kids as they did clay.

(That big trash can in the background? That's where the clay is stored, to be available to the children at all times. But because it's closed, it suffers from "out of sight, out of mind" syndrome. This week, the kids re-discovered the clay, and we spent the morning watering it and hammering the heck out of it to soften it back up. I'll have to get it out for Lucy again soon, so she can have more of a satisfactory sensory experience.)


Lily Boot said...

we love clay too - but suffer from the same complaint of out of sight, out of mind. If we could just find a huge room, filled with light and lots of open shelves with a big trestle table down the middle where all our art and craft stuff could be permanently set up! I've checked through our house again - there isn't one. Enjoy!

Karen said...

I just got out the clay today - and thought as I did, 'we don't play with this stuff enough, because it's not in plain view.' Must be a winter thing!

The Mom said...

YOu do such wonderful things with Lucy. What a lucky girl.

Luisa said...

Yay for clay!

Julie said...

I just want to eat those cheeks:)

Lise said...

I keep checking my house for extra rooms, too. They show up in my dreams, often, but somehow disappear in the daylight.