For Lucy's birthday (can it really be only 2 weeks away? It feels like she was born weeks ago!), I've started a birthday bunting (based on the one in The Creative Family).
(That's my wild 60s tablecloth they're on; maybe I should have found a neutral background!)
And to make this drafty, freezing old house a bit warmer, I'm planning to make some draft dodgers. It's a big project: each window will need two. I went back and forth about fabrics: one beautiful fabric? a patchwork?, plain white to match the windows? In the end, I decided on plain white, because we do NOT want to draw attention to our windows. (What? You're supposed to scrape the paint off the glass after you paint? That's not how they're supposed to look? Just take a quick peek and then look away. That's right. There's something shiny on the other side of the room...)
I used the plain white fabric of a dust ruffle I'd bought for the skirt fabric. To make them a bit more interesting and to add to the "warmth" factor (if only psychologically), I decided to embroider them with warm-ish words. Cozy. Warm. Roasty. Toasty. (Got some ideas for me? I have a lot to make.)
I thought the paint worked to keep the cold out? No?
I love this idea!
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