Check out my new basket! I found this lovely polka-dot-lined basket at the thrift store this weekend for 75 cents, and it's my new friend. It goes where I go, so everything I need is close at hand. In it when we headed outside today...
-my crochet pattern notebook
-the book Lucy asked to bring outside
-the book the older children asked to bring outside
-my clipboard for taking notes for the children's portfolios (a future post, I think...)
-my awesome new sewing-project bag--a gift from a friend--containing a soaker-in-the-works.
And sure enough, when the kids were making mud-pies and their play was so much more rich without interference from me, I was able to sneak in a few rows of crochet while watching from afar.
I saw a beautiful basket in my favourite Charity Shop (that's thrift stores to you, I believe!) the other day as I was rushing past to get to an appointment. On my way back only an hour later it was gone. I was SO sad. Like a child that has had a glimpse of ice cream only to have it taken away. Polka dots and baskets are a heady mix!
We have decided to unschool our boy and he leaves pre-school tomorrow. I feel nothing but excitement and relief at our decision ( and I am a qualified teacher, having worked in secondary schools for a decade before having my boy). I will be looking to you for snippets of advice and your blog already helps me so much.
So, no pressure there then, eh?!
Bright red is my favorite color, what are you making?
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