Friday, October 29, 2010

Catching the gold...

...while I still can. It's almost gone!

(the views from our backyard, 2 days ago, before the rain which took down most of the leaves)


Jules said...

Lise, is that a dovecote in your garden? Or do you have some kind of Waldorf space rocket there??!!
Lovely pictures and I must add that I adored the littel slippers, club foot and all!

Julie said...

Wow, it's like we live on another planet instead of the same state! Our tree still has green leaves (some have changed and dropped)and it was sunny and 81 here in Boston yesterday. How strange...

Lise said...

Jules, I wish that were actually in my backyard. Just a view of a church steeple behind us. Your comment about the "club foot" cracked me up!

Julie, that is weird. We had warm and sun in the afternoon, but it rained in the morning and now most of the trees in our yard are empty. There are some green ones, but we're definitely past the peak!