Monday, August 24, 2009

Independence Days challenge, week 17

Time again for Sharon's Independence Day's Challenge:

1. Plant something:
2. Harvest something: Eggs. 4 pecks peaches from a local farm.
3. Preserve something: Dried peaches. Froze shredded zucchini.
4. Waste not: I found creative uses for food I might otherwise have thrown away this week (does it make up for the veggies I let rot in the produce drawer?). When I drained the zucchini, I set the colander in a bowl and caught all the liquid. Blended it with some watermelon and froze it into popsicles. When I made green pepper puree for Lucy and she hated it (her first rejected food), I used the leftovers as part of a marinade for tofu.
5. Preparation and storage: No, and boy are we getting low on stored food. Need to get on the ball!
6. Build community food systems: No.
7. Eat the food: Made 5 loaves of zucchini bread. Tried a new (yummy) recipe for corn fritters.

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